Quality Assurance

We strive to provide the highest quality custom polyethylene film and bags for manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors, and retail businesses.

Internal Quality Assurance

We have a two tier Quality Assurance approach to guarantee that we are providing the highest quality film and bags for our customers. Our first tier is with the departmental managers ensuring the product is within specification and quality. Our second tier is veficiation and testing of the quality from the samples taken during the production process. This verification is done by another member of the production management team.

Third-Party Inspections

We use 3rd Party Auditors to ensure we are following Good Manfacturing Processes (GMP) and Food Safety Processes. We are auditded a minimum of once per year.

Current Results of our GMP Audit

Information Technology

Our IT Team works alongside all of our departments to ensure information is readily available regarding our products to ensure the highest quality. Constant development and testing in the newest technologies allows our Extruders, Printers, and Converters easy access to information allowing them to produce our high quality film.